Something very near and dear to our hearts here at Mr Derk is the pursuit of quality and fairness. Benson has both of those things woven into their core, so it made a lot of sense when we looked at taking in their brand two years ago. Amazing material, style and not to mention their great prices. Benson specializes in fine casual pieces to elevate the everyday classics you're used to.

Benson started from the dream of a father daughter duo who both have worked in fashion most all of their lives. In Toronto Tahsin and his daughter Ilayda Eltemur brought this dream to life. Tahsin works using his expertise in sourcing and production while Illayda manages the design and style of Benson. They strive to create timeless pieces with the best quality materials and at a great price.

Tahsin one night went to discuss trends in fashion over drinks with his friend Michael Ryan. Their conversation led to the problem of how brands had to choose between good quality fabric and reasonable prices. They came up with a solution to invest in and personally oversee all three parts of the business. Fabric production, clothing manufacturing and distribution.

That enabled them to produce a product at an amazing price for the quality. Which was controlled at every level of the process. They spend plentiful hours working with the material inside and out and ensure every piece has the utmost care and attention to detail. Most brands would have to buy the fabric from a separate company and then on top of that have costs of manufacturing. Benson owns every part of the manufacturing they give you the best possible prices for the highest quality garments. Which means you are directly paying for the garment and nothing else.
Check out our fall winter collection here for Benson at our new location when we open!